ACH - Air Changes per Hour App
by TALO-tech
ACH - Air Changes per Hour App is another App created by TALO-tech to allow the users to calculate ACH for a room or to determine the min. Fresh air or exhaust air required for a room or a space easily.
About ACH:-
ACH has two main screens the first screen is the Room ACH calculator, which will allow the user/users to calculate the ACH of a room/space, the user has the flexibility to use the room dimension room, room area mode or room volume mode. ACH also provides more flexibility to the user since it allows the user to calculate/obtain different parameters such as the air flow, or the room dimension when ACH is known.
The Second screen Allows the user to obtain the min. Fresh Air or Exhaust air flow rate as per ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2016 Table (for min. Fresh Air ventilation rates required in the breathing zone) and Table 6.5 (for min. Exhaust rate), this feature will be useful for HVAC designers, consultants, Contractors,...etc.
Important Notes:-
-As per Table & Table 6.5, some values has 0 (Zero) value & ACH app will notify the user for these values.
-Item Specific Notes to be considered & read as per the above mentioned tables.
-In fresh Air Mode the user can select between the known occupant number & unknown occupant number mode. On known occupant the app will calculate the total fresh air flow per person in that space, while in unknown occupant number the App will calculate the combined fresh air flow required per per comments 4 & 5 in table
-The min. Exhaust flow rate is calculated based on the area of a room, while there are four (4) rooms as per table 6.5 will be calculated based on the min. Exhaust flow required per unit. Once any of these units will be selected a third row of input will appear.
Introduction Video
Link of ACH App
Apple Store link will be updated soon
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